Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday evening we had dinner with Bro. Matt and Keila. When we arrived their kids, Marcus (9), Kendra (7), Kirsten (4), and Kimberly (2) were all excited to see Grandma and Grandpa, but they were also excited to see me -- I was greeted with "Hi, Miss Cassidy" and hugs from all the girls. After meeting Bro. Matt and Keila, Kendra and Kirsten immediately took me to their room to play. We played for "princess" for about 30 minutes then Marcus came in with Candyland and we played that until dinner was ready. They were all dissapointedwhen after dinner they couldn't play any more because it was their bedtime and we needed to leave. After Keila and I told them I would see them all again, they were very happy.

Sunday was the first church service for me here in Uganda. Sunday School started at 9am with Bro. Brian, teaching, in English and being translated, about bitterness.

The church service, which started at 10am, was done by a national pastor, Robert (he also spoke in english and used a translator. We sang songs, a combination of Hymns in English and hymns that have been translated into their language, Runyankore. In between the congregational singing there were three specials and some announcements. Then Bro. Robert (on left in picture) preached for over an hour and half. He preached from I Peter 3:9; about how we have been given a blessing from God and how we need to give that blessing or to be a blessing to someone else, even to people who have done wrong to us, we need to return it with a blessing instead of wrong. It doesn't even take money to be a blessing to someone else.

After church I had my first taste of local Ugandan food. I ate bean soup, pea soup, sweet potatoes, rice, chopati (kinda like a flour tortilla), avacodo, and of course, Pepsi! It was all very good!

As the church in Mbarara does not have an evening service, Bro. Bryan, Cheri, and I spent the evening helpling Alisha hang pictures in her house and trying unsuccessfully to set up her Ugandan TV to an USA DVD player.

Two interesting things I discovered last night -- 1. The squeeking noise coming from outside my windows when I went to bed last night was bats and 2. Bro. Bryan loves NASCAR!!! Saturday night he and I watched the Nationwide race and tonight much to the displeasure of Mrs. Cheri and Alisha we watched the Indy 500.

I must say good night for now -- This week will be busy as there are classes being taught at the church to the Bible Institute Students as well as some of the members of the church here in Mbarara about being Godly husbands, wives, and raising Godly children, as well as Farming God's way.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Safe Arrival

I safely arrived in Uganda Friday evening. All of my luggage arrived as well. We spent the night in Kampala and then went shopping on Saturday before leaving for Mbarara.

The Stensaas family says a huge thanks for all the items that were donated to them!!

Well, as it is 10pm here, I am getting ready for bed. Have a good night -- day!!


Friday, May 28, 2010

On my journey ... left MKE at 4:30 pm on 05/27/2010. Suppose to arrive in Uganda on Friday evening 05/28/2010.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting Ready to Go!!

Hello everyone.

The countdown has begun ... I will be Uganda-bound in just under 4 days.

The struggle now is how to get everything packed in 2 suitcases, each under 50 pounds ... a very hard task for a city girl planning to be out of the country for 6 full weeks. :D

Please follow me as my journey unfolds and as I seek to follow God serving Him in Uganda this summer.

Serving God and Loving It!!

~ Isaiah 6:8
~ Jude 22