Sunday, July 4, 2010

June 28 through July 2

I am a week behind in posting so I am going to try to do one big post that summarizes the week:
Monday June 28: Today was a day of rest. I stayed at the Stensaas' house mostly coloring pictures for Mrs. Sally's flash card Bible stories and just hung out with all the kids:

Tuesday, June 29: I spent the day at the orphanage. I sat in on some of the classes and music lessons and I also worked in the library organizing the shelves and rotating in/out some of the Stensaas' books.

Wedesday June 30: Today, when I woke up there was a rat swimming in the toilet after getting Shane to remove it and watching one of their dogs kill it I scrubbed the bathroom straightened my room as well as coloring more pictures.

While we are on the subject of creepy critters check out this picture:

Thursday, July 1: Today ladies was soul-winning. We went to the outskirts of town and has some good conversations with some of the shop owners. Although my group did not have anyone that got saved during soul-winning, I heard later from one of the other groups that 2 people they talked to had gotten saved.

Friday, July 2: Today I colored more pictures and hung out with the Stensaas kids again. They took more pictures:

Since the World Cup began, Bro Keith has opened up his home for any of the church members to come over to watch the games. He provides popcorn and soda to anyone who comes. I was asked by one of the ladies in the church to watch a game with her so Friday evening I jouned the group of church people that came over:
Couch: Christine, Angela, and Jude; Floor: John

This is how Bro. Keith watches the games:

He sleeps until a team scores, then watches the replay.

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