Thursday, June 24, 2010

Camping - Friday and Saturday Morning

Friday morning we again woke up to clear and sunny skies but at lunchtime a huge storm blew in. The wind was so bad that it collapsed part of Bryan and Cheri's tent -- with Mrs. Cheri inside. A few of us including Bro. Bryan were standing under the car port finishing our lunch. When he saw the tent collapse and Matt run out of his own tent to tell his dad about it, Bro. Bryan was not concerned because "Cheri is inside holding it up." He was even laughing and acting out what he thought she would look like holding it up and said she was probably screaming for his help -- but because of the wind no-one could/would hear her. It was funny.

More Monkies:

Feeding the Spider Monkies:

We were allowed to feed the monkey chapatis (like flour tortillas) left over from lunch:

I also got the feed one of the monkies, but it was too fast, they were not able to get a picture.
Kimberly is always on the go -- the longest I have ever seen her sit still was when she pulled up a chair and sat down to watch the monkies. I think she sat watching them for about 10 minutes:

Friday afternoon was more swimming; this time the water was really cold and choppy from the storm. On the way back to the campsite from the bathroom, I noticed a sign:

I was told that there are crocodiles and snakes that live in the lake, but that they should not come to where we were swimming. :)
Friday night we bad a bon fire -- well, we tried to have a bon fire, but the wood was still wet from the storm we had had earlier -- and roasted marshmallows, and sang some hymns until it started raining again:

It rained the majority of the night on Friday and some in the morning, but by the time we were packed up and leaving the camp-site the sun was shining.
Camping with the Stensaas family is a lot of fun!!!

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