Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Camping - Thursday

On Thursday we woke up abound 7am to clear skies, but could hear thunder, not far off. We did have a thunderstorm but by lunch time the storm had passed and it the temperature was warming up.

With lunch brought some visitors, that over the next few days proved to be a nuisance:

This spider monkey is waiting for the food on our tables to be left unattended long enough for him/her to jump down and grab it:

This one is eating pineapple that someone threw to it:

Alisha brought her dog, Cherokee. Cherokee, who was the only one of Alisha's dogs that came with her to Uganda is more like her child than a dog. Alisha bought a life-jacket for Cherokee so that she could go swimming with all of us after lunch.

Because it was Cherokee's first time to swim she didn't like it -- she was too scared:

Matt and Keith brought nerf balls that we could squeeze and they would fill with water, and then we could throw them at each other -- so it was girls against guys:

Bro. Bryan had hit me in the face with one of the balls and is about to do it again:

Tonight around the campfire, Bro. Bryan gave us a devotion on how we can either influence other people for God and bring them to Him or how they can influence us and bring us away from Him.

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