Friday, June 25, 2010

June 20 -- Sunday in Masaka

This is my first Sunday in Masaka. I went to Masaka Independent Baptist Church. The children met in different classrooms and the adults met in the sanctuary for some songs then were dismissed to their Sunday School classes -- the men with Bro. Keith and the women with Mrs. Sally. Mrs. Sally continued teaching on how we need to be like Christ in everything we do and to do that we have to die to self --Philippians 2.

After Sunday school we all met in the sanctuary for the main church service. There was singing, accompanied by Mrs. Sally on the keyboard, announcements, and prayer. There was a time of introducing visitors and I was asked to stand while being introduced by Bro. Keith and also handshaking to welcome all the visitors. There was a special song and then Bro. Keith preached on David and how when Saul threw the javelin at him, he just walked away, not once but twice. He said that there are times when people throw spears (Ugandans don't know what a javelin is so they use spear instead) at us we need to let it go, not pick up the spear and throw it back at them.

One interesting thing about the churches, in Mbarara and here in Masaka, is that the offering is taken up at the end of the service. We all stand to sing a final song, and during the second verse those who want to give an offering, leave their seats, go to the front of the church and put their money (or fruits, vegetables, once there was a live chicken) into a basket. After everyone that has offering is finished, a man is chosen to come forward, hold the basket in his hands and is asked to pray to dedicate the offering to God and to conclude the service.

After the service we went out for lunch at one of the local restaurants and then it was time for afternoon naps.

Sunday evening service started at 5:30. Bro. Keith is doing a series on Godly parenting.

It was a good Sunday!! -- I took video instead of pictures and because the Internet here is so slow, I can't load any of them.

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