Monday, June 14, 2010

I Survived....

A peachy ride. In Uganda motorcycles are called peachies (not sure how they spell it). Peachy drivers sit at the corners where the roads intersect and wait for people needing a ride -- kinda like taxis in the States. One huge difference is that peachies have absolutely no traffic laws -- they weave in an out of traffic, drive on sidewalks, speed up, then slam on the brakes, you name it they do it. And women have to ride side-saddle because of their skirts. Needless to say I did not want to ride on one but after Ladies Bible Study tonight Keila needed to get home quickly and it is about a 30 minute walk from the church to their house so I consented to a 5 minute peachy ride. Keila told my driver to be careful because it was the first time I had ridden one in Uganda. She told me where to hang onto the seat so I would not fall off. After she got on her peachy, my driver tried to get me to hold him around his waist -- I said no -- and hung on to the seat with my free hand (we were taking home dinner). It was really different trying to keep yourself balanced sitting sidesaddle, holding on for dear life and trying not to drop your dinner. Anyway, I made it safely to Keila's house; not sure if I want to ride another peachy for a while though.

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