Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trade Fair

This last week there was a trade fair. It's kinda like a carnival. Ugandan's and some Kenyan's set up booths and sell their wares, there are a few rides, the Ugandan Wildlife foundation brought some of their animals, and there is loud music and dancing competitions. At night the music is very loud and there is partying until at least 3:30 am -- I can hear them very clearly from my room at the Stensaas' so I have not gotten very mych sleep this week. The fair is supposed to go through the 7th; so Tuesday I should sleep much better :)

Here are a few pictures:

This man is selling shoes:

Swings for the older children and adults:

Merry-Go-Round for younger children:

This girl is tying stillts to her feet:

Uganda Wildlife Education Center's animals:



Here is a picture of me and the python -- I was trying to take a picture of the two python's in the cage but because of the suns glare on the glass I also got my reflection:

Serval (blurry because they kept moving right when I took the picture):

Red-tailed Monkey

Fish Eagle:

Grey Parrot:

Uganda Kob:

Crested Crane and tortise (in background):


Kirsten used some of her birthday money to pay for her, Marcus, and Kendra to ride the camel:

Kimberly: Awake to see the animals one minute, asleep the next:

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