Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, June 21

Today I went to the orphanage that is on the churches property. This is the same orphanage that I went to two years ago. I was able to sit in on the teachers meeting, got to meet all the teachers, and sit in on a few of the classes as well.

The class starts when the teacher walks in the room, the children stand and welcome the teacher to class.

This is an English class -- they were learning the contractions isn't and aren't and the proper ways to use them in a sentence. Their teacher's name is Pros.

When the class ends,the teacher begins to walk out of the classroom as the children stand and thank the teacher for teaching them.

The children of the orphanage have breakfast before school starts, then at about 9:30-10:00 all the children (the school is open for children of church members as well) have a break and are given porridge -- it is made out of corn -- its kinda like cream of wheat or grits. Don't know if you can really see the porridge, but here is a picture of my cup:

For lunch I went back to the Stensaas' house and then I spent afternoon helping Mrs. Sally around the house.

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