Friday, June 25, 2010

Tuesday, June 22

In the morning I babysat the Stensaas' kids while Bro. Keith went to court and Mrs. Sally went shopping in the market with Harriett, one of the main director's at the orphanage. Babysitting was pretty easy -- the older ones had school work that was assigned and Savannah was entertained by watching Thomas the Tank Engine.

I don't understand everything that was going on with Bro. Keith going to court but apparently about 3 years ago there was a church member that turned away from God and was getting into all kinds of trouble. Bro. Keith had to remove the man from the church membership, then he also had to put an advertisement in the paper saying that the man was no longer affiliated with the church. That man sued him and the court case has been going on for the past 3 years. Every time they go to court, either the man does not show up or he would come with new accusations and they have to start all over. Anyway today they had a court hearing at 9am with a new judge who threw out the case against Bro. Keith. Praise the Lord!!!

Mrs. Sally and Harriett were shopping for material to make the orphans uniforms and play clothes.

In the afternoon Mrs. Sally took me shopping at a market that also included a clothes market. There lots of people selling piles and piles of clothes for cheap prices -- there were even some name brand stuff like Sag Harbor and Croft and Barrow that were only 1,000 shillings (about 50 cents in US). We looked through several piles and found some nice shirts for Shae-lynn (age 10) and some "princess" dresses for Savannah (age 2):

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