Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 24

I was not feeling well again this morning, but around lunchtime I was feeling much better. In the afternoon I went shopping in the market with Mrs. Sally and Sara, one of their workers (she does the dishes, dusts, sweeps and mops all the floors; she also helps with the girls at the orphanage). They were looking for some scarves to make bridesmaids dresses modest.

After the market we went to the church for ladies soul-winning. Mrs. Sally exlained to the ladies that since I was there and I am a nurse, she thought I would like to see what the hospital looks like and how different it is from the states so the ladies decided to go soul-winning at the hospital. My partner was Harriett, she helps run the orphanage.

The hospital has an emergency department, a children's ward, a men's and women's medical ward, a maternity ward, an accidnet/injury ward, a TB ward, and a surgical ward as well as different dr. offices/clinics.

Harriett and I went to the TB ward:

This is the men's side -- There were not many patients, 5-6:
Patient's must bring their own sheets and blankets; there are no gowns, so they either wear their own clothes or no clothes; There are nurses, but the patient's family provides the majority of the care as seen here (in fact I did not see one nurse the entire two hours I was there):

Not all the patinet'sthat have TB are adults there were two young boys and a young girl in the women's ward. Harriett and I had the privelidge to lead this boy to Christ:

This boy is very sick and lonely (the red capped bottle next to him, is what they are given to cough and spit into):

This is the nurses station that separates the men's side from the women's:

Although the men's side only has about 6 patients the womens side is so full there are patient's on the floor:
Although it was crowded, the wards were cleans and free from any smells.

This patient was sitting outside, getting some fresh air. We witnessed to her and she accepted Christ:

This patient and is family were also sitting outside. He and the lady in the redand black shirt also accepted Christ:

In all there were six people (2 women, 4 men) in the TB ward who accepted Christ. Please pray for them!!

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