Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Camping - Wednesday Afternoon/Evening

The Stensaas Family (All except for Andrew and Jackie and their kids who are on furlough) -- Bro. Brian and Cheri, Alisha, Bro. Matt and Keila and their kids (Marcus, Kendra, Kirsten, and Kimberly) Bro. Keith and Sally and their kids (Shane, Stanely, Shae-lynn, Shiloh, Skyler, and Savannah) and two other girls, Andrea and Rebecca and myself went camping. We went to Lake Nabugabo, about half an hour outside of Masaka. We had so much fun and enjoyed having time to relax.

Here Andrea, Rebecca, and I (taking the pictures) are trying to set up our tent:

Here is the tent all set up -- even though there were no instructions on how to set the tent up and it was just the three of us setting it up as everyone else was setting up their own tents, we were the first ones to get our tent up and all our things unloaded from the van and inside the tent.

Here Bro. Bryan is choppping firewood to make a camp fire.

Stanley brought me a chameleon to play with

Kimberly is terrified of lizzards, gekoes, chameleons, and bugs; but with help from me and her Aunt Alisha, we were able to get her to touch and eventually she wanted the chameleon put on her dress:

Around the campfire Alisha, Keith, Matt, and Bro, Brian and Cheri started singing oldies songs from Mrs. Cheri's MP3 player. After a couple of songs, Bro. Brian and Keith decided that I was a BIMI spy and that I would go back to the states and tell them all the Stensaas secrets -- like singing oldies songs -- so they decided "What happens at camp, stays at camp" Anyway the evening was so much fun; their singing and acting the songs out was hilarious. I videotaped one of the songs Alisha sang, I will try to get it to upload.


  1. If it was supposed to "stay at the camp", what are you doing posting it for the whole world to see?

  2. It was all part of the fun, teasing, and games going on all weekend --they really don't care. :)
